Issue Date:March 04, 2023 This is a CALL to anyone and everyone who wants to help heal ourselves, our communities, our Nation, and our planet. Leaders, educators, health care professionals, environmentalists, and especially young people and students are urged to get involved – it’s your future! The People and Planet Healing Summit is not just for one town or area, not just for New Hampshire, but can be held anyplace and in every State. The issues we face here are everywhere, and the solutions can be applied where-ever a group of caring people get organized and welcome all to participate! If we are strong in spirit then we can overcome anything, but most people are afraid to get involved, divided, and uninformed. These summits can give folks support and courage, form local groups that can learn about issues and work together to address them, unite us in common goals, and bring about the healing that our communities, country, and Mother Nature need. For more information contact the NH Community Rights Network ([email protected]). We will assist you in holding local summits that can empower people in every town and turn the silent majority into the informed and active majority that our democracy needs to work! United we stand, divided we fall, so it’s up to each one of us to do what we can to work together to move our Nation forward! Sincerely, Peter A. White Treasurer, NH Community Rights Network (NHCRN)
April 2024