Aug 19, 2019 To The Daily Sun, The past two years, 2018-19 sessions in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, the New Hampshire Community Rights Network (NHCRN) has campaigned to pass bills to amend the state Constitution with an Article 40. Citizens of our state endeavor to resurrect local self governance, inalienable rights of all people into our communities, municipalities, cities and townships. This work is a shared investment as residence to the state and townships respectively through consent in good faith to our elected reps and senators who dedicate themselves by oath to uphold the rule of law of state and federal constitutions and justly the Bill of Rights, the binding backbone of our democracy. The republic only exists through the consent of the governed, having personhood as inalienable rights. . Are we ready yet, to amend the law, grounding the understanding and purpose for “Rights of Nature,” governing intent for survival of mankind? This being, for the corrections of past misgivings, mistakes, trespasses, contemptuous judicial interpretations, the like of corporate personhood with inalienable property rights elevated above the peoples’ due civil rights natural inalienable rights. Ask people of moral character from communities to reveille in what must be necessary to protect and direct the democratic decisions of what we, the people, call progress. Institution of local self government will evolve answers unique to individual community problems. The strength of a nation at large are communities of people, the stiles of our structure of government, constructing a greater nation of good. The right of local self government pinioned with the Rights of Nature in our state Constitution, written as Article 40, is what we must establish in New Hampshire and be exemplar forwarding an ideal of governance in state, nation and world at large. Douglas Darrell Center Barnstead
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