Granite State citizens have no equal standing against harmful corporate activities & “personhood” that consistently appeal to state preemption to remove any recourse the people of NH have to protect their communities from becoming sacrifice zones to profit marketed as a “greater good.” CACR19 empowers people in their communities to protect community interests over profit. 2) COMMUNITY RIGHTS-BASED PROTECTION CACR19 addresses this inequality by seeking to recognize, secure, & protect the individual & political right & authority of people in NH municipalities to enact local rights-based laws that prohibit corporate activites violating their rights to the health, safety, & welfare of their human communities & the air, water, & soil on which they depend. CACR19 recognizes local authority to protect health, safety, & welfare as a matter of right. 3) EXPANDING, NOT LIMITING RIGHTS CACR19’s language ensures local rights-based laws could not weaken real persons’ existing rights—including 2nd Amendment rights—under state & federal constitution & law, but could be used only to expand rights. 2008 & 2010 U.S. Supreme Court precedents declared 2ndAmendment rights are individual constitutional rights & consequently protected by CACR19’s language. CACR19 recognizes authority to protect & expand individual rights. 4) AMENDMENT VS. LAW Rights are not gifted by but recognized & enumerated within constitutions, so CACR19 is not a proposed law but a proposed constitutional amendment seeking to enumerate the right of local community self-government within NH’s Constitution the same way freed slaves' equal rights were recognized within the U.S. Constitution. CACR19 recognizes limited local control at the municipal level. VOTE “NO ITL” ON CACR19 Empower your constituents with the opportunity to decide on November’s ballot if they want a recognized right to protect people, places, & principles over profit.
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April 2024